Rechargeable Cordless Table Lamps – How Do They Work?

Tabletop lighting is one of the most effective ways to achieve stunning ambient lighting. Quality candlelight creates a strong visual impact. It will increase the value of a dining experience. Table lighting is also one of the least expensive, high impact changes that you can make to the interior of your establishment.

All of our Table Lamps are of superior quality and durable enough to withstand the rigors of any commercial environment. We offer the largest array of styles, finishes and sizes.

Rechargeable Modular Design

Cost Effective and Efficient

Cheaper Than Competitors

Exceptionally High Quality

Design Philosophy

We wanted to bring to market a product that was very much Smart Candle in design and thought. The range of Table Lamps that we offer are best used in conjunction with our Mini Rechargeable Smart Lamp. Keeping to a modular design allows for unrivaled customisation, moreover it brings the cost to the consumer – down!

Viability Of Daily Use In Commercial Environments

Smart Candle has a proud 21 Year History in designing the highest quality ambient lighting solutions for restaurants, bars, pubs, clubs, hotels, event industry etc. Creating a product with optimum function is critically important when concepts are brought to life. This is no different with our Rechargeable Cordless Table Lamps.

Whilst cost is obviously important – practicality and daily usage is a key consideration. Having to take whole lamp units off a table and placed onto a trolley to charge is really not the most effective way of operating. Using our system – all lamps can be left in place – just remove the Mini Rechargeable Smart Lamp and place them on their tray to charge.

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      Warm White SmartCandle Platinum Rechargeable Candle (SC2111WW)